Продам неадаптированную художественную литературу на английском языке (преимущественно классика и детективы)
состояние от 5+ до 4
по 100р.
алфавитный список, 84 пунктаAnderson, Sherwood "Winesburg, Ohio"
Auel, Jean M. "The Valley of Horses"
Baldwin, James "Giovanni's Room"
Baldwin, James "Going to Meet the Man"
Bellow, Saul "More Die of Heartbreak"
Brown, Rita Mae "Six of one"
Capote, Truman "The Grass Harp" and "Tree of Night"
Chandler, Raymond "Farewell, My Lovely"
Clavell, James "Noble House"
Cornwell, Bernard "Sharpe's Gold"
Crighton, Michael "The Great Train Robbery"
Denning, Troy "The Verdant Passage"
Denning, Troy "The Crimson Legion"
Dikkens, Monica "No More Meadows"
Dragonlance-2 "The Kinslayer Wars"
Dragonlance-3 "The Qualinesti"
Dunne, Dominic "The Two Mrs.Crenvillies"
Durrell, Lawrence "Clea"
Ford, Richard "Quest for the Faradawn"
Forster, E.M "Collected Short Stories"
Fraser, Antonia "Mary Queen of Scots"
Galsworthy, John "The Man of Property"
Greene, Graham "The Quiet American"
Greene, Graham "The Ministry of Fear"
Greene, Graham "Stamboul Train"
Greene, Graham "Brighton Rock"
Greene, Graham "A Gun for Sale"
Greene, Graham "A Burnt-out Case"
Greene, Graham "May We Borrow Your Husband?"
Greene, Graham "Twenty-one Stories"
Greene, Graham "The Power and the Glory"
Greene, Graham "The Man Within"
Hammett, Dashiell "The Big Knockover and Other Stories"
Hammett, Dashiell "The Thin Man"
Hardy, Frank "Power Without Glory"
Hawthorn, Nathaniel "Twelve Tales "
Kaplan, Frank "The First 12 Months of Life. Your Baby's Growth Month by Month"
Kaplan, Frank "The Second 12 Months of Life. Your Baby's Growth Month by Month"
Krantz, Judith "Mistral's Daughter"
Krantz, Judith "I'll Take Manhattan"
le Carre, John "A Murder of Quality"
le Carre, John "The Russia House"
Leonard, Elmore "Cold Coast"
Ludlum, Robert "The Scarlatti Inheritance"
Ludlum, Robert "The Holcroft Covenant"
McBain, Ed "Death of a Nurse"
McBain, Ed "Killer's Payoff"
McBain, Ed "Doll"
McBain, Ed "Long Time No See"
Melville, Herman "The Confidence Man"
Mitchell, Paige "A Wilderness of Monkeys"
Morrison, Toni "Beloved"
Murphy, Haughton "Murder Takes a Partner"
Pohl, Frederik "The Coming of the Quantum Cats"
Richler, Mordecai "Joshua Then and Now"
Roth, Philip "Goodbye, Columbus"
Segal, Erich "Class"
Sillitoe, Alan "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning"
Sillitoe, Alan "The Death of William Posters"
Spark, Muriel "The Go-away Bird"
Spark, Muriel "The Abbess of Crewe"
Spark, Muriel "The Girls of Slender Means"
Spark, Muriel "The Only Problem"
Steinbeck, John "Journal of a Novel"
Steinbeck, John "Travels with Charley"
Steinbeck, John "Tortilla Flat"
Steinbeck, John "The Pastures of Heaven"
Steinbeck, John "The Moon is Down"
Steinbeck, John "Cannery Row"
Sterling, E.Lanier "Hiero's Journey"
Styron, William "Sophie's Choice"
Surprising Amsterdam (путеводитель)
Symons, Julian "A Criminal Comedy"
Thomas, Ross "Missionary Stew"
Van Vogt, A.E "Lost: Fifty Suns"
Vidal, Gore "Blurr"
Vidal, Gore "Creation"
Vidal, Gore "Lincoln"
Webster, Jean "Daddy-Long-Legs"
Wiseman, Thomas "The Day Before Sunrise"
Wolfe, Thomas "The Web and the Rock"
Wyndham, John "The Chrysalids"
Wyndham, John "The Day of the Triffids"
По 500 рублей:
Chesterton, G.K "Father Brown", The Pengiun Complete
Welty, Eudora "The Collected Stories"
Six Great Modern Plays (Tenessy Williams "The Glass Menagerie", Arthur Miller "All My Sons", Anton Chekhov "Three Sisters", Henrick Ibsen "The Master Builder", Bernard Shaw "Mrs. Warren's Profession", Sean O'Casey "Red Roses for Me")
книги на англ.яз. Москва
Продам неадаптированную художественную литературу на английском языке (преимущественно классика и детективы)
состояние от 5+ до 4
по 100р.
алфавитный список, 84 пункта
состояние от 5+ до 4
по 100р.
алфавитный список, 84 пункта